Well, The first week here at training has been a busy one! Our training group completed Army Combat Lifesaver training. We covered a lot of topics. Perhaps the most fun was I.V. administration. I'd like to brag that I was successful on the first shot, but I'd not be telling the truth. I got it on the second "stab" though...HONEST! After the forty hour class, a 2 star Admiral was on hand to pass out our certificates, which was pretty cool. We each received a nice certificate (which is suitable for framing) and a combat lifesaver medical bag.
Well, that's all for now! I'll update when I get a chance!
you took two shots because of the goofy looking target you had.
al sasse (squatch)
Zimm, as always hope everything is going well. Cool pictures and congrats on the combat lifesaver program! Not a whole lot to report heavy snowfall a couple of weeks ago but the weather is turning warm yay! We scrubbed the floor of the station yesterday for UFF on tues, that should be kind of fun. Steiny is still out of commission with his back-loaded a heavy patient at Med Fire and the strecher tipped he tried to catch it. I found out Koch refinery was hiring "Safety Technicians" aka on site firefighters but I was about 1 day to late to apply I was rather disappionted to say the least. Will write more later. Good luck and Godspeed.
Your Red Brother Jarod
You're looking tired. Hope full time Navy life isn't draggin' ya down too much already! Take care.
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