Well, it's been a while since I was able to post any new news. The Internet connection has been very poor around here. Things are going OK here in Williamsburg. We are staying very busy, with very little time off (which is OK, it makes the time go by faster!). I posted a picture from our St. Patty's day venture. About 10 of us made an afternoon run to an indoor go-cart track in Portsmouth. The go-carts go 40 mph, but these babies are only 4" off of the floor, so it feels a lot faster! If you have never gone to one of these places, you need to go!! There is one in Savage, and that one is fun too! After go carts, we stopped by the local Hooters for hot wings (hey, it was right next door =) and scored these very classy hats, along with some indigestion.....try the "three mile island" hotness level, if you dare! The trip back to the hotel was uneventful, except for the blown front drivers side tire, the concrete wall near miss at 65mph, and the Virginia DOT highway helper who turned out to be a retired Navy guy who loaned us his tools. But hey, that's a different post all together!
Ya'll take care, and keep in touch!