Let's see, the past month has been pretty busy!! I am keeping busy at work, and looking forward to some trips with the family this summer!
Holly is busy with work as well, she is still at Cal's Nursery and is also putting some hours in at church and is also keeping busy with her bead business.
Zachary is getting ready to go to fencing camp this month
Eryn finished up her first softball season, she had a great time and is looking forward to next year! We had her tournament on Saturday, and despite passing thunderstorms, all the games were played!

Eryn playing catcher in a softball game
Lizzy is wanting to take horse back riding lessons this summer. We are trying to find a good place to go, so if anyone knows of a place, give us a holler.
In other news.
Corey, Mel, Holly and I went to Zac Brown Band last night at Mystic Lake Casino. The seats were great (second row!) and the concert was AWESOME!! If you ever get a chance to see him, he puts on a great show!
Road work in our neighbor hood goes on....and on.....and on!!!! We had a good amount of rain, and things got a little sloppy around here. After thing dried out, however, they got a base of class 5 gravel down and the curbs are poured!