I was going to post this earlier and in true Zimm

fashion, I forgot!
Anyways, we stopped in Bangor, Maine on our trip over here. When we arrived, the terminal was lined with veterans and citizens. They welcomed us with loud cheers and clapping. It was truly humbling to see all of the people there to show their appreciation for us. As it turns out, these great Americans were part of the "Maine Troop Greeters". These are a great group of people that provided an awesome layout of goodies, great conversation, and they even offered us free cell phones to call our family...any where in the United States! Check out there website at
http://www.mainetroopgreeters.com/ If you find your way into the troop photo section, we went through on March 31st. I can tell you that I am looking forward to seeing these fine folks on the way home too....after all, they had great cookies!
Till next time,