Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Who Doesn't Love Chocolate?
Confections for any occasion has a wide selection of Door County wines and micro-brew beers.
Joel carries just about anything you can think of, including fine Door County wines and micro-brew beers.
One of several cases stocked with hand made confections, guaranteed to satisfy any sweet tooth!
The best best part of the shop, however, are the cases full of hand made confections. Joel and his staff make a wide selection of mouth watering chocolates, candies, and truffles. Try the beer truffles, they are to die for!!
"The Zimm" and the one and only Joel!
If your in Eastern Wisconsin, stop on in and get some good food and chocolates, you may even get a chance to meet Joel himself! Too far to drive? No problem, Joel's sweet tooth favorites are available on-line at www.confectionsbyjoel.com 24 hours a day!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Now That's a Fire!!
What's Up?
Well, It's been a month or so since my last update! As most of you know I am back home now, and acclimating well to civilian life. Over the past three weeks I have been filling my days with "honey-do" projects, volunteering at the schools and church, and getting back into the swing of things at the fire department. It was great to have a chance to catch up with a lot of you, and if I haven't seen you yet, I look forward to doing so!
'Till next time!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Back in the USA!!!!!!

The flight home was full of smiles, cheers, and anticipation. I could not wait to get off the plane in Norfolk to see the best sight in the word, Holly and the kids!! They drove to Virginia to meet me, and have been here while I processed out. We had the chance to see some sights and get reacquainted. I will post some pictures of our travels later.

Holly, Zack, Eryn, and Lizzy met me in Norfolk!
Now I am looking forward to driving home with them. I will still be on active duty until mid November, or so, while I take leave and do final processing but we should all be back in Minnesota by mid week!
Looking forward to seeing everyone!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Hi Everybody!
The Chapel Crew: Bruce, yours truly, Mike, Chris, Jo, Chris, Jinger, Eric, and Ramirez.
As the end of our deployment to Kuwait draws to an end, I would like to take a moment to send out some kudos to the Camp Arifjan Chaplin Corps, (Chaplin) MAJ Moore, and all of my friends who kept me company at church each week. You guys are awesome! You folks made the time away from home a lot easier, thank you! I will miss our Sunday lunches at the "Oasis Outback", especially the Chaplin mandated trip to the "health" (ice cream) bar.
Well, I guess that's it for now!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Navy's Newest "Weapon System"
Friday, September 14, 2007
Zimm, Don't You Work?
Noel, Elton, Dup, and I pose for a picture with O.A.R.
We recently had the band O.A.R come to Camp Arifjan. They are an alternative rock band, and put on a great show! 4 of us from Customs Battalion worked the security detail for the show (oops, talked about work!). The up side of security detail is the chance to spend a little extra time talking to the band, and getting a group picture!
Despite the fact my team, The "Ziggy Stardust's" (I did not pick the dorky name!), was eliminated after only two games and I nearly broke my foot in the process, the unit dodge ball tournament was a blast once again! We had six teams play, and the "Shake-n-bakes" took out the "Officers and Chiefs" for the title. We are looking forward to playing again in a week or so. We have formed 2 Minnesota Mafia teams for that one........I can't wait! Dave's once in a million shot!
We have also been playing a unit dart league. Now, I suck at darts, but since Park Supply sent us this dart board, I have decided to play. My record, 1 win and 6 losses....hey, I told you I sucked! The once in a million shot, above, was thrown by Dave. If you look closely, he threw one dart into the other. Nice shot, Dave!
Well, I guess that's it for now!
Till next time,
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Kuwait Critter - Part 2

Thursday, August 30, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Kuwait Critters!

There are lizards aplenty around these parts. Here is a lizard that was basking on a rock at the Retrograde Yard right outside of the customs shack.
Scorpions are also pretty common in Kuwait. One day, this normally nocturnal scorpion payed us a surprise day time visit!
I'm all for wildlife stopping in for visits, but this Sand Viper was an unwelcome guest to our admin tent! Sand Vipers are very aggressive, are known to strike a single victim several times, and have very potent venom! One of our sailors CAREFULLY herded this stray bandit into an office trash can until the camp animal control dude could get him out of the area. The good news, no anti-venom was needed!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Prior Lake Fire News.

PLFD also took delivery of truck number 9280, a new areal platform built by E-One in Ocala, FL. 9280 features a 2007 E-One Cyclone II chassis and a 100' Bronto-Lift articulated areal platform. 9280 replaces our old ladder truck, a 1985 American LaFrance with a 75' areal ladder.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Weird Grey Things!
Well, we awoke to a weird site this morning. At 5AM, the sky was covered with this weird grey substance! After checking air quality and ensuring it was not a biological attack, we concluded that the sky was simply overcast. This was the first occurrence of clouds since late April, and we had simply forgotten what they were. No worries, though, the intense Kuwait summer sun won the battle and the clouds were gone by 8 0clock!
In other news.....
The heat is definitely on! The airport (70 kilometers north of here) has been reporting 120-125 degrees for the past week. The troop medical clinic, here on base, reported 129 degrees a week ago....yes, it was inner gates of hell type of hot! In fact, I'm pretty sure I saw Satin himself sunbathing by the base pool! I guess it could have been a really ugly and sunburned Army dude.........who knows?
Our company is starting up another dodge ball league (as if the first go around was not punishing enough). We had so much fun with the base league, that we are starting one of our own! We are also looking forward to Navy Customs Battalion's second Texas Hold-em tournament, the last one was a blast!
Well, that's all I have to report, what can I say, my life is lacking on great human interest stories.
Till next time,
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Thank you!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Thank You Shipmates!
The crew got some help from (L to R) Eryn, Lizzy, and Zach
The crew did a great job, and even let Zach, Eryn, and Lizzy do a little painting too.
The Crew from NOSC Minneapolis with Ziggy and "Holly's picture perfect husband"
Thank you for your help and living up to the Navy Core Values of honor, courage, and commitment. You folks are the best, and I look forward to working with you all to return the favor to another shipmate!
Josh Gracin Visits Camp Arifjan, Kuwait!
Operation Cookie Drop
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Greetings from Qatar!

Besides visiting souks and a large mall to satisfy our shopping needs, the tour also took us to several tourist attractions.
One of the main attractions was the large clam statue (above). Pearls are a big industry for Qatar, as the statue would suggest! We also visited a nice restaurant for lunch, and toured several other sites during the day long tour.
I spent my birthday on a dhow cruise. We anchored the dhow about a mile from the Qatar coast, 500 yards from a sand bar (above......don't ask how I took this picture, Holly would kill me if she knew I swam out from the dhow holding the camera over my head............DARN!! I've said too much!) . Once there, we swam, ate dinner, socialized, and took in the sunset. As a sailor, it was nice to get out on the water again! I must admit, despite not having my sweetie there to enjoy the view with, I had a good time.
So, there is the last four days in a nut shell! I hope you enjoy the pictures, I'll try to post more later!
'Till next time,
Sunday, July 8, 2007
It's been a while, here's an update!

As you may know, grass is all but nonexistent in Kuwait, so the lawn at the Kuwait Towers had to have been the highlight of the trip.......I think the picture says it all!
Our last stop for the day was the Center City Mall. This was a large American style mall, and most of our group spent the whole time at the Caribou Coffee. It was a very nice, relaxing day.
In other news........
Our dodge ball team (above) had a great time playing in the base dodge ball tournament. We won a few games, and lost a few games. When it was all said and done, we ended up with a couple bloodied noses, one black eye, and we all had huge smiles on our faces! It was a lot of fun.
On July 4th, 23 co-workers and I joined over 1000 other people in running the Kuwait division of the Atlanta Peach Tree 10K (6.24 mile) run. This was my first 10K run, and I had set a time goal of 1 hour in which to finish the run. I finished in 1 hour, 6 minutes, and 5 seconds. I was very happy with the time! I really did have a good time, and it felt good to finish the run without walking (no lie...I ran the whole thing!).
Well, there is the past month in a nut shell. Not much else to report, so I'll sign off
Until next time,